Sunday, September 20, 2009

Factor #5: Exercise (MY DIVA DIET: Five Factors)

The wide-ranging health benefits of regular exercise include reducing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes, and obesity. Exercise can help improve your skin and enable your internal organs to function better. Exercise contributes to mental wellbeing (including alleviating depression, stress, and anxiety) and ensures better sleep. Exercise increases metabolism, energy, and endurance, while it reduces some of the effects of aging--it is truly the "fountain of youth"!

A properly designed and executed exercise program can improve or protect posture, help keep bones and muscles stronger, and maintain joints, tendons, and ligaments injury-free. Exercise also helps keep joints, tendons, and ligaments flexible.

Exercise is a major factor when you are trying to lose weight because it facilitates fat loss by burning calories when you are exercising and increasing your metabolism for many hours afterward. Exercise increases your lean body mass, which equals a higher sustained metabolic rate and leads to a leaner, firmer, more sculptured physique. Exercise makes you healthier, feel better, look younger and more alive-it's sexy!

If you are serious about getting fit, losing fat and gaining health, there is only one main exercise rule; exercise is mandatory. So find something active you enjoy doing and make it part of your life. Prior to starting an exercise program, consult with your physician.

Exercise is crucial for fat loss and good health. It is also essential for maintaining low body fat and a fit physique. However, the frequency, duration, and intensity of your exercise will vary depending on your goals, age, fitness level, medical condition, and other circumstances.

Here is a quick guide to exercise:
  • The best thing to do when you've been cleared by your doctor and are ready to begin an exercise program is to hire a Certified Fitness Professional. That way you will not waste time, money, or risk injury.
  • An exercise program should consist of the six components shown in the following chart. Each workout should fit your age, current fitness level, and any medical or physical limitations you may have. Your goals, lifestyle, exercise interests, and commitment level should also be taken into consideration when your exercise program is designed.

Diva 6 Components to an Effective Exercise Program

  1. Cardiovascular Conditioning
  2. Strength and Endurance Training
  3. Flexibility Training
  4. Core and Balance Training
  5. Corrective Exercises
  6. Functional Training

MY DIVA DIET is based on the
Five Factors Affecting Body Fat and Health
The Five Factors

Factor #1: Liquid Consumption
Factor #2: Quantity and Distribution of Calories
Factor #3: Quality and Purity of Calories
Factor #4: Restrictive and Unbalanced Dieting
Factor #5: Exercise

Friday, September 18, 2009

Factor #4: Restrictive and Unbalanced Dieting (MY DIVA DIET: Five Factors)

Factor #4: Restrictive and Unbalanced Dieting
Because most women look for quick-fix solutions to our obesity and poor-health epidemic, we buy into gimmicks and false promises. We subscribe to dangerous pills and special packaged foods. We suffer needlessly. Sometimes we lose weight only to “rebound”—gaining more weight than when we started and usually at the expense of our health. We end up confused and more desperate. So instead of seeking the proper way to lose weight, we start the cycle all over again.

Factor #4: Restrictive and Unbalanced Dieting
  • High-protein, high-fat, no-carbohydrate diets
  • Fruit-only diets
  • Juice-fasting diets
  • Diet pills and liquids
  • And so many more...

Why Restrictive and Unbalanced Diets Don't Work - How They Contribute to Weight Gain and Poor Health

There is no quick fix for fat loss, optimal health, and longevity. But, the good news is that there is a way, and I can help you down that path. I am not interested in attacking any particular product or program by name. However, I do want to expose the truth about the $58 billion Diet Industry (and rising). Many of the programs and products marketed today are basically gimmicks full of false promises, magic potions, and misleading propaganda. Most of these counter-productive systems result in yo-yo dieting and can be quite dangerous. My hope is that the next time another quick-fix diet system (or product) surfaces, you will know better than to believe the hype, or at least that you'll think twice before you waste your time, money, health, and sanity. In fact, no sensible diet program will ever compromise your physical or mental health for the sake of looking good!

Commonly used formulas for weight-loss diets:

Liquid Diets
  • Most are low-calorie diets
  • Less than 1000 daily calories translates to starvation
  • Do you plan on living only on liquids for the rest of your life?

Low-Calorie Diets
  • Any diet of less than 1000 daily calories will slow your metabolism and put you at a nutritional risk that could lead to health problems
  • Reduced energy levels
  • Decrease in water weight, not necessarily fat

High-protein, Low-carbohydrate, High-fat Diets
  • Too much protein can put undue stress on your kidneys and other internal organs which could lead to health problems
  • High amounts of calories from protein, if not used for their intended purpose, can convert to body fat
  • Fat burns in the flame of a carbohydrate-thus you need carbohydrates to help metabolize fat
  • Carbohydrates are needed for energy and exercise
  • Carbohydrates are necessary for brain function-without them you will inhibit your ability to concentrate, calculate, and coordinate, and your memory and moods will be affected
  • High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets can put you into a state of ketosis, which is not healthy and can lead to loss of lean body mass
  • Carbohydrates provide fiber, whereas fats and animal protein contain no fiber
  • Low-carbohydrate diets often result in water loss, not fat loss
  • High-fat intake converts easily to body fat and is unhealthy
Low-Protein, High-Carbohydrate, No-Fat Diets
  • Protein is necessary for every cell in the body so a lack of protein can cause deficiencies and health problems
  • Protein is needed for muscle growth, maintenance, and repair
  • Excess carbohydrates can convert to body fat
  • High carbohydrates can cause bloat and puffiness
  • It is impossible to avoid dietary fats-fat is found in many foods naturally
  • Some fat is necessary for health and vitality-too little fat can cause a deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids
One Meal per Day Diet
  • Eating smaller meals throughout the day is important for utilizing calories more efficiently and creating a constant energy level; both are important in the overall fat-loss and better health equation
  • Eating one meal (or two) per day does not generate a steady blood glucose level
  • Eating one meal per day promotes over-eating especially if that one meal is eaten at night-starving all day causes you to eat everything in sight
  • Eating one meal per day promotes bad food choices because excessive hunger will cause you to be less selective with your food choices
One Type of Food Diet
  • Too much of one type of food causes nutritional imbalances and deficiencies which can lead to health issues both short- and long-term
  • All-fruit diets result in water-weight loss, not fat loss
  • This type of diet can eventually lead to muscle loss, which is directly linked to your metabolism. Since more lean-body mass means a more active metabolic rate, you will lose fat more quickly by maintaining and/or increasing your LBM.
Processed, Packaged, and Man-Made Food Diet
  • Nutritional value is reduced or eliminated when foods are altered from their natural state
  • When you cut calories, you lose weight. However, if you only eat packaged, processed, and man-made foods, your weight-loss potential will be limited by food quality, and your health may be compromised
  • Our bodies cannot properly metabolize most additives and preservatives
  • Our goal is to lose fat, gain health, function and feel better, and live longer. Consuming unnatural foods is detrimental to this goal.
Diet Supplements, Diet Pills, Potions, and Products
  • In this age of quick fixes, many women try to become healthier and leaner through massive intake of supplements and so-called "fat burners" (via drinks, bars, and pills), but there is no magic pill, drink, or bar that will ensure good health, weight loss, or a long life. Keep in mind; the consumption of supplements in excess can cause health issues. The use of diet pills may help you lose weight initially, but once you get off them the weight will return and you will end up heavier than before. Also, diet pills have short-term side effects and may lead to medical problems. As far as magic potions and products like creams and gadgets-they don't work!
One Part of the Equation Diet
  • Diet programs that tell you to JUST eat less, or eat better, or eat low glycemic foods, or eat only raw foods, or eat six meals per day, or just cut the sugar, or just exercise, etc. may be good ideas and very helpful to your goals of fat loss and better health- but they don't give you the complete dieting picture.
  • Providing only part of the diet equation is like presenting a puzzle with some of the pieces missing-will you ever complete the entire picture? NO!

This is the bottom line on restrictive and unbalanced dieting, aka quick-fix diets.

#1 - Poor Health
Since most quick-fix diets restrict calories or do not allocate the proper nutrient ratio (protein, carbohydrates, and fat), and even completely eliminate important vitamins, minerals, and fiber, they put you at a nutritional risk. This sets the stage for a number of health problems during your diet, in the immediate future, and further down the line.

#2 - Dehydration
Some quick-fix diets promote low-carbohydrate intake. However, most of the weight lost in this manner consists only of glycogen and water. Since the human body is over 60% water, this kind of diet may lead to dehydration. Dehydration can cause fatigue, crankiness, stiff joints, headaches, nausea, aches, electrolyte imbalances, and much more. Severe dehydration can cause seizures, coma, or even death. The other problem with water-weight loss is that women are deceived into believing that they're losing fat. In reality, once carbohydrate intake resumes (even the good carbs) and the water weight is restored, women mistakenly believe they've regained all the "fat" they had lost on their diet programs.

#3 - LBM Reduction
Reduction in muscle mass is a common result of any type of low-calorie, low- carbohydrate, or starvation program. In fact, as muscle mass is lost, metabolism slows. A daily intake of less than 1000 calories is considered starvation, and the human body will automatically try to salvage body fat just for survival.

#4 - Decrease in Energy
When calories are restricted, especially carbohydrates, the body's main source of energy is limited. This energy is needed for the body and the brain to function properly. Otherwise, you'll begin to feel tired, cranky, and mentally slow. You also will not have the energy you need to be active and exercise. Calories do so much for your body-they provide energy, life, vitality, and so much more-why would you give that up?

#5 - Body Fat increases
  • Any type of restrictive or unbalanced diet is a recipe for failure. The hype behind quick-fix diets is often unsubstantiated-they are based on gimmicks and full of false promises.
  • Since most quick-fix diet programs offer ways to lose weight fast with no regard for health and safety, the results will always be questionable.
  • After trying a quick-fix diet program, any attempt to resume normal, proper eating patterns often causes us to regain more weight than we lost.
  • Regaining weight creates desperation, which often causes us to seek another quick fix. This process eventually leads to chronic yo-yo dieting, which is a vicious, unhealthy, frustrating, expensive, and dangerous cycle.

More good news: There is a rise in sound (proper) diet programs that will help you lose weight and gain health. There are now widely accepted, well-researched nutritional principles found in most well respected, leading diet programs, ones that do not offer quick-fix solutions that are found in so-called "fad diets". Just make sure you know which diets offer hope or hype! Most fitness experts, nutritionists, diet gurus, and well-informed doctors agree that we should consume clean and wholesome foods and liquids to attain (and maintain) low body fat and vibrant health. We should eliminate junk food, fast food, fried food, and highly processed food. The real debate begins over how many calories we should consume each day and the nutrient ratio. The other debate exists over whether it is better to be a vegetarian or vegan - or not! Most also agree that fat loss is where it's at, not just weight loss, that real and lasting weight-loss results don't happen over night, and getting fit is best accomplished when you include exercise. According the Web MD, "proven weight-management strategies include a balanced diet with reduced calories with a regular exercise regimen." The key to low body fat, vibrant health, and longevity is a lifestyle of the PROPER DIET and exercise!

How MY DIVA DIET Addresses the Five Factors
The secret to MY DIVA DIET is that we dissect these Five Factors and put together a comprehensive plan to ensure that calories are used for their intended purpose—energy and health.
Factor #4: Restrictive and unbalanced dieting is eliminated forever.

Proper Diet and Exercise is the key...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Factor #3: Quality and Purity of Calories (MY DIVA DIET: Five Factors)

Factor #3: Quality and Purity of Calories
You should always monitor the quality and purity of your calories. This is crucial—not only for fat loss, but more importantly for health—“you are what you eat!”

Factor #3: The quality and purity of calories are determined.
  • They must be lean (containing little or no fat, especially bad fat).
  • They must be healthy (conducive to health).
  • They must be clean (free from foreign or extraneous matter).
  • They must be pure (free from contamination).
  • They must be alive and/or fresh (recently harvested, with no decay, not preserved or processed, and not overcooked)
  • Animal protein should be from animals that are raised, treated, and fed properly as well as killed humanely.
“Take the plunge and choose foods in their natural states that are fresh, organic, and humainly treated animals. You will not only reap the rewards of better health & fitness, but you will also help our environment and discourage mass production of animals for food (and reduce cruelty to animals)!”

This topic is too large to cover in a here is an EXCERT from MY DIVA DIET: A Woman's Last Diet Book. The following is a quick reference guide on Factor #3 factor and the relevant areas of dieting for better health and low body fat. This will help those of you who want to learn about specific areas.

Factor #3: Quality and Purity of Calories
14. Junk food (fast food, pizza, ice cream, potato chips, cookies, candy, donuts, etc.)
15. Total daily fat intake (grams)
16. Total daily sugar intake (grams)
17. Sugar substitutes intake (aspartame, saccharine, Splenda and other artificially made sweeteners)
18. Total daily sodium intake (milligrams)
19. Quality protein intake
20. Quality carbohydrate intake
21. Quality fat intake
22. Total daily dairy intake
23. Clean calories (reading labels/things to look for)
  • Preservatives and additives
  • Flavoring agents, coloring agents, sweeteners (artificial and natural), emulsifiers, texturizers, stabilizers, etc.
  • Chemicals and other fake foods
  • Hidden fats (hydrogenated vegetable oils and other unneeded and unhealthy fats)
  • Hidden sugars (maltodextrin, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, etc.)
  • Hidden sodium (salt, MSG, sodium benzoate, sodium nitrate, ferrous sulfate, etc.)
  • Hidden flour (white flour, baking powder, starch, dextrin, etc.)
24. Purity of calories
  • Natural foods vs. processed
  • Fresh foods vs. man-manipulated
  • Organic vs. non-organic
  • Cruelty-Free animal meat
25. White flour intake (bread, cereals, crackers, noodles, pasta, pastries, tortillas, etc.)
26. Total daily fiber intake (grams)
27. Food, sports, energy and protein bars
28. Sauces, salad dressing, dips and condiment intake
29. Cooking and seasoning (fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices)
30. Supplement intake (vitamins, minerals and others)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Factor #2: Quantity and Distribution of Calories (MY DIVA DIET: Five Factors)

Factor #2: Quantity and Distribution of Calories Here are is how we fix... Factor #2: The quantity and distribution of calories are calculated.
  • Total daily calories are approximately 1,200 to 1,600 (or more in some instances, depending on whether you are in the Diva Reduction Phase or Diva Maintenance Phase of MY DIVA DIET, your activity level, and other variables).
  • Daily nutrient ratio for fat loss is 35% protein/45% carbs/20% fat (or close) and approximately 20 to 35% protein/45 to 65% carbs/20 to 30% for maintenance.
  • Number of meals is four to five per day.
  • Meal sizes are controlled appropriately (portion control).
  • Meals are timed appropriately (every three to four hours).
In summary ========= Daily caloric intake (overeating or undereating) How many calories are you consuming per day? What are your eating patterns? Notes
  • We are a country in which half of our citizens—and 31 to 38% of our children—are obese, primarily because we just eat too much. In fact, when it comes to food, we are a nation of extremes, either overeating or starving ourselves to lose weight.
  • We super-size everything—except water! Most of the food we eat has almost no nutritional value and contributes to fat storage and health issues like obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, certain cancers, etc.
Daily Caloric Intake Rules
  • The average woman should consume between 1,200 and 1,600 calories per day.
  • A woman can and should consume more than 1,600 if she has a high metabolism, or is an athlete, pregnant, or has a medical condition that warrants a higher caloric intake.
  • Young girls and women trying to gain weight also need more calories.
  • Anything over 3,000 calories per day is not a good idea unless we are athletes or have some sort of medical condition.
  • Anything under 1,000 calories per day is considered starvation and will cause the body to go into survival mode—hold on to body fat not release it!. Undereating will not only hinder the body’s ability to get fit, but it will also jeopardize health.
REDUCTION PHASE Daily caloric intake (overeating or undereating)
  • The Diva Reduction Phase is based on 1,200 to 1,300 calories per day, ideally for ten weeks. However, start off with three to six weeks and see how much fat you lose, then make adjustments to lose more or go on to the Diva Maintenance Phase.
  • This total caloric intake is strict for now but can be adjusted during any part of the program.
Daily nutrient ratio: protein/carbohydrates/fat
  • As stated in the beginning of this section, your nutrient ratio will be 35% protein/45% carbohydrates/20% fat.
Number of meals per day
  • Eat frequent small meals throughout the day, including snacks.
  • Four meals per day every three to four hours is best and will ensure that you keep a steady blood glucose level, which helps with fat loss and energy.
Meal timing
  • Meal timing is up to you...Everyone’s schedule is different. Just remember to eat every three to four hours.
  • It’s okay to add a snack as a fifth meal just in case you could not consume your total calories, or if you are hungry.
  • Try to eat larger meals in the morning or afternoon. Reserve dinner for a nice piece of lean protein and some great-tasting fresh vegetables.
Meal size (portion control)
  • Eating frequent small meals will also help you avoid overeating at any given meal.
  • If you are tempted to eat too much at one time, just remember that you can eat again in three hours!
MAINTENANCE Daily caloric intake (overeating or undereating)
  • In Phase One you kept your daily calories low and controlled for fat reduction. In
  • Phase Two you can increase your caloric intake to 1,400 to 1,600 calories per day (and even higher), depending on your activity level, goals, medical condition, etc.
Daily nutrient ratio: protein/carbohydrates/fat
  • Your daily nutrient ratio was strict in Phase One—Diva Reduction, but you will have more flexibility in Phase Two—Diva Maintenance.
  • Daily nutrient ratio for fat loss is 35% protein/45% carbs/20% fat (or close) and
    approximately 20 to 35% protein/45 to 65% carbs/20 to 30% for maintenance.
Number of meals per day
  • Continue eating about four small meals throughout the day.
  • You can add one or two (healthy) snacks.
Meal timing
  • Meal timing and eating frequent small meals throughout the day should always be part of your life. By now you should be hungry every three to four hours.
  • Continue to consume your larger meals in the morning or afternoon. At dinner, continue eating a lean piece of protein and fresh vegetables.
  • Once in a while, a big dinner is fine in Phase Two.
Meal size (portion control)
  • You will always follow guidelines for portion control—to maintain what you’ve worked for and to keep from overeating—and now you know how to do that well.
  • Use the same rules as in the Diva Reduction Phase, but you can have a little more food in the Diva Maintenance Phase.
MY DIVA DIET is based on some of the root causes of high body fat and poor health, these are called The Five Factors Affecting Body Fat and Health. This is Blog #2 of 5 to dig a little deeper into these "Five Factors".

Remember, Calories are your friend....and to learn more read this blog, Calories: Friends or Foes?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Factor #1: Liquid Consumption (MY DIVA DIET: Five Factors)

MY DIVA DIET is based on some of the root causes of high body fat and poor health, these are called The Five Factors Affecting Body Fat and Health. I will take the next 5 blogs to dig a little deeper into these "Five Factors".

Today's focus will be...
Factor #1: Liquid Consumption
Too many poor liquid choices add unnecessary and empty calories to the American diet, and an inadequate water intake leaves women dehydrated, unhealthy, and unhappy.

In a nutshell here are some areas you can fix when it come to your liquid consumption that will truly shed those unwanted pounds and give you more energy, vitality, and better health.

Factor #1: Liquid Consumption

  • Liquids should be limited to water and teas with no sugar. Try to drink approximately six to ten cups of water throughout the day (or more, depending on your body weight, exercise level, current diet, caffeine and alcohol consumption, and any medications you may be taking).
Coffee and other caffeinated drinks
  • Coffee is fine, but do not drink high-fat, high-sugar coffee drinks. Add some low-fat dairy, soy, or rice milk, and/or a splash of agave nectar or honey in your coffee if you need the flavor.
  • Be leery of so called “energy” drinks. They have far too much caffeine and most of them are full of sugar and other unneeded ingredients.
  • Green, red, and black teas are great tea choices.
  • Herbal teas are good choices too.
Sodas and other drinks
  • Avoid sodas, powdered drinks, juice boxes, fruit drinks, or sports drinks—they are full of sugar.
  • Stay clear of drinks labeled as “diet”. They contain artificial sweeteners and are not a good idea.
Juices (fruit and vegetable): fresh vs. concentrated
  • Juices should be kept to a minimum, and only use fresh-squeezed.
Meal replacement drinks
  • Meal replacement drinks like protein shakes, smoothies, and green drinks can be used as substitutes for any meal.
  • Ensure the quality of products you use or make them yourself.
  • Do not consume alcohol for faster results in Phase One.
  • During the Diva Maintenance Phase you can have alcohol in moderation.

Factor #1: Liquid Consumption
  • Plenty of water—forever!
  • Liquid intake should be the same as in Phase One. An occasional deviation may be okay from time to time—just don’t get into the habit of choosing poor-quality liquids.
  • Alcohol in moderation is okay—create boundaries!
Next blog will cover
Factor #2: Quantity and Distribution of Calories

If you want the complete information about these Five Factors, you can find it in MY DIVA DIET: A Woman's Diet Book.